TCV is a moment, a trip, a wish, an hobby, a passion. Is society, vanity, intuition, ambition. Is a picnic, a glass of wine, an aperitif, a coffee. You could choose to leave the game even you could make your self comfortable in this charming verandah whatching what could happen when you choose to be who you are. Welcome to "The Charming Verandah".



Miami Critical Mass
All the last Friday of each month bikers from Miami meet at the government Center in Downtown area to do what we love.. To Ride !! It doesn’t matter what kind of bike you have, what really matters is how much you love riding and how it is into your life J
Halloween It is a day that any biker can miss !! It is time to celebrate, to have fun and specially to bring all those characters that we love into a ride by all over Miami. We ride , laugh, screem and specially stop the traffic !! We bring happiness to the avenues, people take pictures of us, motivate us with their screems and cars honk to joint to this celebration.. Biking in Halloween is a Party that goes farther than your mind.

1 commento:

  1. Bel modo di trascorrere Halloween... davvero carino e originale!
    L'anno scorso in questo periodo mi trovavo lì, ma da turista, ovviamente, non puoi non trascorrere la serata fra le maschere i canti e i balli della centralissima Lincoln Road.... E' STATO MERAVIGLIOSO!
